The Key To Success
The Key To Success
Start About me

About me

I am a Doctor Habil. of Laws and legal advisor with many years of experience in providing legal advice to businesses, including public companies and financial institutions.
I combine comprehensive practical experience with academic achievements. I am a researcher at the University of Warsaw.
I provide legal services in Polish and English.


I graduated (summa cum laude) with a degree in law from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. Subsequently, I obtained the degree of Doctor of Laws from the Institute of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. In addition, I completed my studies as part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation organised by the Warsaw School of Economics. I also completed studies at the American Law Centre co-organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Florida and the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. In addition, I studied at the Faculty of Law of the Université Nancy 2. In addition, I completed a research internship (fellowship) at the Faculty of Law of New York University and conducted a fellowship search at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg.

After completing my legal adviser's apprenticeship and passing the legal adviser's exam, I was awarded the professional title of legal adviser (District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw). Subsequently, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia conferred upon me the degree of Doctor Habil. of Laws in the field of social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences.

Member of supervisory boards

I have extensive experience as chairperson and vice-chairperson of supervisory boards of public companies whose shares are admitted to regulated trading or introduced to the alternative trading system.
I am a member of the Association of Independent Supervisory Board Members.


I am included in the list of recommended arbitrators of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce for the years 2021-2024.

Trainer and expert

I am highly qualified as a trainer, speaker and expert appearing in the mass media.
For several years, I have been cooperating with the Notary Chamber in Warsaw as a permanent lecturer of commercial law for notary trainees of the second, third and fourth year of the apprenticeship.